Gray with four dark stripes on the thorax and yellowish light. A common insect found almost all over the world; usually on and around filth, garbage and refuse, and human habitation.
Drain Fly
Small, dark, fuzzy, moth-like, about 2-3mm long. Found clinging to walls of damp areas in bathrooms and kitchens. They are weak fliers, flying only a few feet at a time.
Fruit Fly
Very small, light yellow to brown color; with large, red eyes. Up to 3mm long, weak fliers. It is generally found hovering in swarms around decaying vegetation and overripe fruit and near garbage bins in kitchens.
Flesh Fly
Gray with three dark stripes on the thorax and a checkerboard pattern on the grey abdomen. Some species lay eggs while some give birth to live young on sources of food such as carrion, dung, or decaying material and even open wounds on animals.
Blow Fly
Metallic blow or green thorax and abdomen; Adults are strong fliers and make a loud, buzzing sound, and are attracted to light. Egges are laid by the female in sources of food such as dead animals or rotting meat.